Thursday, August 18, 2011

The facts

So let's talk boys. Remember how i told you about Adriano, the one that i couldn't decide whether or not i ever wanted to see again? Well here's the deal on that heart throb:We met in secondary two second semester art class. Ahh good times ;)
Anyways, i was sitting with my friends at a table and he was sitting at another table all alone and then i noticed another one of my friends, Sherenaa, with some girl that she didn't really talk to so i invited her over to my table and instead of being the requested 4 people per table, we became 5. The next day, i noticed yet another one of my friends, Cassia, all alone and that day Adriano was absent so the three of us stole his table and lo and behold, the nexy day he had no where else to sit but at our table, adjacent to me.
Soon we started talking and laughing and making jokes with each other and i found myself falling for this annoying, confusing, stupid blond.. and part of thought he was falling for me too. Unfortunatley, all good thing must come to an end and soon enough, summer was calling. We went through that without so much as a single 'hey :)' i totally expected that. Why would one of the most popular guys in our grade ever even give me the time of day?
Now school was back in session and we were in sec 3. During the year there were some random times where i knew that he hadnt forgotten about me and then times when i wondered if that was such a good thing, and as routine has it, its summer again.

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