Friday, August 19, 2011


Okay honest truth: I stole 105$ from my parents. I know its wrong, but at the time it just seemed like the only way.
This is gonna get worse before it gets better...
So we have this holiday, let's call it brothers' day and to us (the sisters), it's kind of like a yearly pay day. So this year I got 145$ and i decided that i would keep 20$ and give the rest to my parents.
Now, that remember that really cute top i told you about that cost 18$, well with the 15% off its gonna cost about 17.50$ after taxes, so the 20$ should cover that. That is, as long as my mom doesn't ever ask about it.
So everything would be fine and dandy as long as i paid my debt back right? Wrong! That's right because I know have to buy a shirt for my bff Juliana's birthday. She's a dancer and i was looking online at stitches and saw two really cute shirts. One says 'Dance, Love, Live' and the other says 'Dance, Love, Sing'. They're both really cute and cost 10$ each (don't worry I'll only buy one :P).
And here is where is gets worse... I'm of thinking of stealing another 10$ for that shirt. I know its wrong, but she's my best friend!
So, that brings my debt to a grand total of.. wait for it.. 115$!
On the tiny-bit-brighter side, i do own 5$ in change so i guess that'll work and bring the 115$ back to 110$.. hey its progress.

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