Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Year, New Body

Okay so everyone wants to lose weight... it's totally normal. I just decided on 5 exercises that I'm going to do every night for 3 months. My goal is to lose 20 pounds before the new year.

These are my exercises:
5 minute jog in place
50 jumping jacks
20 squats
20 side sqauts
20 lunges

And I'll add on every week to make it more intense.

Hopefully it'll work!

Brother Troubles

I have had it with my little brother. He's such an ass he hits me and bitches at me and my parents always take his side. Fuck you. His ego is 1000 times his size and he takes advantage of people like you wouldn't believe.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fear of the Future

I know its been almost a year since I last posted but in my denfence, it was a long, hard year.
Anyways, its a new (school) year and a new me! I've gotten over that stupid crush and have moved on. Since it's my last year in high school, I decided that I'm gonna work my ass off and get into college!!!! YAYYYYYY!!! Except............ I have no idea what I'm going into :S Well actually, that's not entirely true. I have 2 choices: either I'll go into education or accounting.

I kinda wanna go into education because I REALLY want to study literature at Dawson. But that program doesn't open many doors. I could go on teaching English but I'm not entirely sure if that's what I want or if I only think I want it because its allows me to take my beloved program at Dawson.

The other option is accounting, which is kind of a back-up plan if i decide that I don't wanna teach. And I could make a lot of money, which is a BIG plus considering, I'm probably the most materialistic person on the planet.


Monday, September 26, 2011

everythings too messed up to talk about...

Friday, August 26, 2011

And the countdown begins

So school is starting in exactly 5 days...and i still have one more book to finish from my summer reading list. Don't get me wrong, i absolutely love reading with a passion, I'm even considering becoming an editor for novels, but the thing about mandatory reading is that you can only pick from a specific list of books and more often than not, that list doesn't contain any of the books on my Chapters wish list.
On the subject of school on its way, I'm actually pretty nervous about the first day. I mean it is only an hour long but during that hour, our schedules get handed out and the fear of not knowing whether or not ill be in the same class as my bffs. Not that i have many, considering I'm not exactly the social type, but i'll be sure to keep you posted on all the drama sec. 4 is sure to bring.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Guess what? Yesterday, my cousin came over to drop off some of her pineapple cake, (which looks really gross but according to my sister is absolutely amazing) and then she took my sister shopping for bras and i tagged along. Of course i wasn't gonna waste what little money i had on bras, but seeing as Garage was just around the corner, so i stopped by and luckily i grabbed the last pink back-bow top and it was just my size! But that's not all. I also bought a white, long-sleeved crop top and a turtle green printed cami. The crop top was 10$ and the cami was 5$, so add that to the 18$ tee and that comes to 33$. Seeing as everything was on sale and whatever was on sale is an extra 30% off plus my 15% off coupon....i only ended up paying 20$!
Also, i still have the 10$ for Juliana's gift and my mom gave me about 8$ in change.
And now here is my new and improved list of things to buy:
-A black, white and pink camisole
-A black cardigan (if i have money)
-A printed camisole (if i have money)
-A long, white bandeau
-A good bra
& some bobby pins
PS. i probably will have money because i found where my parents keep my money so i decided that 50$ missing wouldn't make much of a difference since it is my money and that thing is packed. (But don't worry, i'm still gonna pay back the 115$ that i took)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

À propos d'hier...

About yesterday...I kinda forgot
Anyways this is what happened yesterday:
I mean the day part was pretty tedious but then my cousin came over and things started heating seriously it was really hot outside, we had to bring in a fan.
You'll be happy to know she gave me an excuse for the bag from h&m. I'll just tell my mom that she gave me the bag because she wasn't using it!
Also, she told me that 18$ for that top from garage wasn't expensive! Aw yeah.
Oh and before we went to Reno-depot with my parents to see the tiles for our new bathroom. They're were really nice in my opinion and I'm so excited to finally take a nice, calming shower when the bathroom is finally done.