Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fear of the Future

I know its been almost a year since I last posted but in my denfence, it was a long, hard year.
Anyways, its a new (school) year and a new me! I've gotten over that stupid crush and have moved on. Since it's my last year in high school, I decided that I'm gonna work my ass off and get into college!!!! YAYYYYYY!!! Except............ I have no idea what I'm going into :S Well actually, that's not entirely true. I have 2 choices: either I'll go into education or accounting.

I kinda wanna go into education because I REALLY want to study literature at Dawson. But that program doesn't open many doors. I could go on teaching English but I'm not entirely sure if that's what I want or if I only think I want it because its allows me to take my beloved program at Dawson.

The other option is accounting, which is kind of a back-up plan if i decide that I don't wanna teach. And I could make a lot of money, which is a BIG plus considering, I'm probably the most materialistic person on the planet.


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